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Volunteer Program

We welcome you to join us from a month to a year as a volunteer.  Space is limited as we take only 3 or 4 persons in the summer and one or two during the winter months.  As a volunteer, you live on the monastery grounds near or in the guest house.  You help us with our work for about four and a half hours a day, with two days off per week (including Sundays) and time off, if you wish, at Christmas and Easter.  The work is a nice variety which includes:  working in the soap department, helping to cook, selling our products in our store, cleaning the guesthouses, gardening and other outdoor work, etc.  We tailor the work to the person's talents and capabilities, as well as to our current needs.  The rest of your time is free.  The island is beautiful, and though small, is good for hiking and exploration. You would eat the main meal with the other guests at the monastery and make your own breakfast and supper (although the food is provided for you.)  We give a certain amount of "pocket money" per month to take care of small needs you might have while here. You are welcome to the community liturgy or simply to take quiet time in the church.  The Sisters are in Church seven times a day to chant the Office. There are some minimum requirements such as having good health, being able to do work in various areas, ability to get along with others, etc.  We accept persons up to the age of 65 and from any religious tradition.  This is a good program for those desiring a gap year from school, or a temporary change of work.  It is also a good time to discern a future path in life.


If you are interested in more information, please contact:

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